ENISA becomes the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity

ENISA was established in March 2004 as the European Network and Information Security Agency, and has since been working to make Europe cyber secure.
As such, the Agency worked closely together with Members States and other stakeholders to provide guidance and support to improve their cybersecurity capabilities.
On Thursday 27 June 2019, the EU Cybersecurity Act (CSA) entered into force, and ENISA became the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, with a new permanent mandate.
The EU Cybersecurity Act gives ENISA a reinforced role in cybersecurity with new tasks. ENISA’s priorities now include:
- Critical information infrastructure protection
- Supporting the development and implementation of the European Union’s policy and law such as the Capacity-building activities such as cybersecurity exercises, standardisation and certification
- Provision of consolidated threat information to its stakeholder community
- Identification and dissemination of best practices on how to mitigate threats associated with new technologies
- Supporting EU legislation such as the NIS Directive, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and eIDAS (Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions).
Read more in the ENISA’s Press Release
Read the Regulation