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February 2022

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CCSP Domain Refresh FAQ Effective August 1, 2022 Why are changes being made to the CCSP exam? ISC2 has an obligation to its membership to maintain the relevancy of its credentials. These enhancements are the result of a rigorous, methodical process that ISC2 follows to routinely update its credential exams. This process ensures that the examinations and subsequent continuing professional education requirements encompass the topic areas relevant to the roles and responsibilities of today's practicing cloud security professional. How is the CCSP exam changing? The content of the CCSP has been refreshed to reflect the

Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)  certification     Many cybersecurity professionals have questions about the Certified Cloud Security Professional CCSP certification – what it is, why should I consider it, what is involved and lots more. If you are thinking about becoming CCSP certified and are interested in learning more about the process and requirements, the Certified Cloud Security Professional CCSP - FAQ may give you some answers. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact us and we would be delighted to answer your questions.      What is the Certified