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March 2022

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Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2022 Digitalization has driven the growth of global use of online services, driving higher levels of data creation and internet traffic. As businesses become more interconnected, a cyberattack can have even greater impact. Considering these challenges, the World Economic Forum's Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2022 presents critical insights about the state of cyber and perceptions about the current path of cyber resilience. The research identifies three perception gaps between security-focused and business executives - how highly cyber is prioritized in business decisions, support for cybersecurity and cybersecurity talent. 1. Prioritizing cyber

ISO/IEC27002:2022 (the new version of good practice security controls) was released last month. I’ve began to think about why companies and organisations DON’T already use the security standards to follow good practice. Here is the case for using ISO27002 to align security controls. My late father’s favourite saying was “If you’re going to do it, then do it right!”.  It’s only recently that I began to accept the truth in that.  Conventional thinking might lean towards, “Sure it’ll do”, or “Maybe later”. As the security community already knows “It’s much easier