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Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2022


Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2022

Digitalization has driven the growth of global use of online services, driving higher levels of data creation and internet traffic. As businesses become more interconnected, a cyberattack can have even greater impact. Considering these challenges, the World Economic Forum’s Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2022 presents critical insights about the state of cyber and perceptions about the current path of cyber resilience. The research identifies three perception gaps between security-focused and business executives – how highly cyber is prioritized in business decisions, support for cybersecurity and cybersecurity talent.

1. Prioritizing cyber in business decisions: although  business executives agree that cyber resilience is integrated into enterprise risk management strategies, far fewer security-focused executives agree.

2. Leadership support for cybersecurity: Most agree that cyber resilience is considered a business priority in their organization with support and direction from leadership, but a smaller number  see cyber resilience as a major part of their overall risk management.

3. Recruiting and retaining cybersecurity talent: over half would find it challenging to respond to a cybersecurity incident owing to the shortage of skills within their team, with business executives less acutely aware of the gaps than their security-focused counterparts.

The report looks to provide an analysis of the challenges being faced and the approaches to enhance cyber reslience within organisations and the wider ecosystem.

The full report can be read here>>