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Author: Jennifer Hanly

  /  Articles posted by Jennifer Hanly (Page 8)

Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2022 Digitalization has driven the growth of global use of online services, driving higher levels of data creation and internet traffic. As businesses become more interconnected, a cyberattack can have even greater impact. Considering these challenges, the World Economic Forum's Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2022 presents critical insights about the state of cyber and perceptions about the current path of cyber resilience. The research identifies three perception gaps between security-focused and business executives - how highly cyber is prioritized in business decisions, support for cybersecurity and cybersecurity talent. 1. Prioritizing cyber

ISO/IEC27002:2022 (the new version of good practice security controls) was released last month. I’ve began to think about why companies and organisations DON’T already use the security standards to follow good practice. Here is the case for using ISO27002 to align security controls. My late father’s favourite saying was “If you’re going to do it, then do it right!”.  It’s only recently that I began to accept the truth in that.  Conventional thinking might lean towards, “Sure it’ll do”, or “Maybe later”. As the security community already knows “It’s much easier

CCSP Domain Refresh FAQ Effective August 1, 2022 Why are changes being made to the CCSP exam? (ISC)² has an obligation to its membership to maintain the relevancy of its credentials. These enhancements are the result of a rigorous, methodical process that (ISC)² follows to routinely update its credential exams. This process ensures that the examinations and subsequent continuing professional education requirements encompass the topic areas relevant to the roles and responsibilities of today's practicing cloud security professional. How is the CCSP exam changing? The content of the CCSP has been refreshed to reflect the

Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)  certification     Many cybersecurity professionals have questions about the Certified Cloud Security Professional CCSP certification – what it is, why should I consider it, what is involved and lots more. If you are thinking about becoming CCSP certified and are interested in learning more about the process and requirements, the Certified Cloud Security Professional CCSP - FAQ may give you some answers. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact us and we would be delighted to answer your questions.      What is the Certified

2021 was a challenging year for IT security professionals. As the pandemic continued the work-from-home movement extended with its associated cybersecurity risks. Ransomware attacks grew at record levels with some very high-profile attacks on critical infrastructure – all in the face of the ongoing shortage of IT security talent.  In this webinar, Steve Piper, Founder & CEO of CyberEdge (and proud CISSP), discusses his Top Five Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022.   Top Five Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022 1. The Overall Volume of Successful Attacks Will Decline 2. IT Budgets Will Rebound (Slightly) 3. Quantity and

The PwC 2022 Global Digital Trust Insights study has reported that more than 60 per cent of Irish businesses expect cybercrime to increase this year. One concern is the risk posed through suppliers and technology support networks - with more than half of Irish respondents anticipating an increase in breaches through their software supply chain.  Another potential weak spot are cloud services, with 62 per cent of Irish respondents expecting attacks on such services to rise. With responses from over 3,600 participants, the study showed that only 29 per cent of Irish

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has made changes to the OWASP Top 10 for 2021. OWASP is an open community dedicated to enabling organizations to develop, purchase, and maintain applications and APIs that can be trusted. Since 2003, the OWASP Top 10 has become a world-renowned reference document that details the most critical security risks to web applications. These help organizations and developers to develop secure applications. The Top 10 is a baseline for compliance, education, and vendor tools. Changes to the OWASP Top 10 for 2021 The Top 10 includes

According to the (ISC)² Cybersecurity Workforce Study, the global cybersecurity skills gap has decreased, from 3.1 million to 2.7 million people, reflecting a greater number of people joining the profession. The study also looks at cybersecurity salaries, top skills development priorities, and planned investments in people and technology.  Job satisfaction among the professionals also increased with 77% of respondents satisfied or extremely satisfied with their jobs compared to 66% in 2019.    Download the full study at: 

Businesses across all verticals are facing greater challenges in managing and mitigating the impact of cyberattacks. Experience and expertise in cybersecurity is driving innovators to develop the solutions needed to enable businesses to protect their data, operations and their customers.  Ireland has become recognised as a cybersecurity innovator and many international companies are based here. The unique expertise in Ireland is driving further to benefit from increased global investment. This article published on the Bank of Ireland's ThinkBusiness website showcases 26 leading Irish cybersecurity companies

The Enterprise Ireland Digitalisation Voucher is designed to build digital capabilities across Ireland. The voucher can cover up to 100% of the cost of a 10 day consultancy engagement (to a value of €9,000). Apply the Digitalisation Voucher for a review of cybersecurity risk and mitigation strategy. The voucher can be applied to work towards international security standards.   Digital transformation enables businesses to build competitive advantage and drive growth.  By adopting technologies such as cloud, internet of things (IoT) and big data, companies can increase productivity, improve efficiency, and enhance customer