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ISC2 Courses

  /  ISC2 Courses (Page 3)

CCSP Domain Refresh FAQ Effective August 1, 2022 Why are changes being made to the CCSP exam? (ISC)² has an obligation to its membership to maintain the relevancy of its credentials. These enhancements are the result of a rigorous, methodical process that (ISC)² follows to routinely update its credential exams. This process ensures that the examinations and subsequent continuing professional education requirements encompass the topic areas relevant to the roles and responsibilities of today's practicing cloud security professional. How is the CCSP exam changing? The content of the CCSP has been refreshed to reflect the

Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)  certification     Many cybersecurity professionals have questions about the Certified Cloud Security Professional CCSP certification – what it is, why should I consider it, what is involved and lots more. If you are thinking about becoming CCSP certified and are interested in learning more about the process and requirements, the Certified Cloud Security Professional CCSP - FAQ may give you some answers. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact us and we would be delighted to answer your questions.      What is the Certified

2021 was a challenging year for IT security professionals. As the pandemic continued the work-from-home movement extended with its associated cybersecurity risks. Ransomware attacks grew at record levels with some very high-profile attacks on critical infrastructure – all in the face of the ongoing shortage of IT security talent.  In this webinar, Steve Piper, Founder & CEO of CyberEdge (and proud CISSP), discusses his Top Five Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022.   Top Five Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022 1. The Overall Volume of Successful Attacks Will Decline 2. IT Budgets Will Rebound (Slightly) 3. Quantity and

Learn about the Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) certification   Many cybersecurity professionals have questions about the Systems Security Certified Practitioner SSCP certification – what it is, why should I consider it, what is involved and lots more. If you are thinking about becoming SSCP certified and are interested in learning more about the process and requirements, the Systems Security Certified Practitioner SSCP - FAQ may give you the answers you need. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact us and we would be delighted to answer

Further boost your CISSP / CCSP training with free access to 3 (ISC)² PDI courses Cycubix is exited to announce that when you register for our Official (ISC)² CISSP or CCSP public or private training seminars from now through to December 31, 2021, you will receive free access to three (ISC)² Professional Development Institute (PDI) courses. You will be able to select three courses  from the list of Bonus (ISC)² PDI Courses - see list below. Each course complements the knowledge gained from the CISSP/CCSP training.  CISSP Bonus PDI Courses    CCSP

Learn about Secure Software Development from CCSLPs around the world Software security requires a creative and disciplined approach and a vision to develop secure strategy, tactics and execution. Excelling in the discipline demands thinking through the entire software lifecycle and enforcing security as a first-thought process. The (ISC)² Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) is a comprehensive certification that addresses the spectrum of software lifecycle security. This eBook -  developed by (ISC)² - will enable you learn from CSSLPs around the globe about how the CSSLP has helped them succeed in their endeavors

SSCP Domain Refresh FAQ Why are changes being made to the SSCP exam? (ISC)² has an obligation to its membership to maintain the relevancy of its credentials and follows a rigorous, methodical process to routinely update its credential exams. This SSCP Domain Refresh FAQ details the updates. These ensure that the examinations and subsequent continuing professional education requirements encompass the topic areas relevant to the roles and responsibilities of today's practicing information security practitioner. How is the SSCP exam changing? The content of the SSCP has been refreshed to reflect the most pertinent issues

Cycubix is delighted to welcome Richard Nealon as a Senior Information Security Consultant. With extensive experience in Information Security and Risk Management, Richard’s expertise in the implementation of security frameworks and standards will help support our client's journey to compliance and enhanced security. About Richard Richard Nealon, CISSP-ISSMP, SSCP, SCF, CISM, CISA Richard is a seasoned Information Security and Risk Management professional with over 35 years experience.  He was one of the first certified information security professionals in Ireland and has worked for most of his career in the information technology area (Security,

How to Reap the Benefits of DevSecOps  DevSecOps looks to merge “speed of delivery” and “secure code” to address security during the development process and not after an attack. Insecure DevOps creates risks for business. By detecting and fixing security issues during the development phases teams can create secure software and processes.  This paper was developed by (ISC)². Download the white paper to reap the benefits of DevSecOps in your organization. (ISC)² CSSLP certification demonstrates that IT professionals have the skills and knowledge to better incorporate security practices into each phase of the software

Use the CSSLP Mind Map to help you prepare for the CSSLP Exam We have developed a Mind Map based on the latest CSSLP Exam Outline from September 2020, to help students when studying for the (ISC)² Official Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) exam.  Use this visual guide when reviewing the CSSLP domains. The Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) validates that software professionals have the expertise to incorporate security practices into each phase of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). If you are interested in becoming CSSLP certified find out more about how