How To Manage Phishing Attacks and High-Risk Users
So I spent the past week at the COSAC Security Conference and I’ve recharged my engagement batteries once again. One thing that I heard over and over in speaking with my colleagues there, was that we still haven’t cracked the password issue. With the enormous rise in phishing and other account takeover methods, the problem is quickly getting out of control (1). Fighting Phishing with Awareness and Two-Factor Authentication We at Cycubix have built a brand new Phishing awareness training module for our clients, but even though heightened awareness among users has
Cycubix Sponsors Cyber Ireland National Conference – (ISC)² Official Training Discount
Cycubix is delighted to sponsor the 1st annual Cyber Ireland National Conference (CINC) on the 21st of October 2021. This event brings the cyber security community together to discuss the challenges facing industry and the innovative solutions available from Ireland and internationally. Visit the Cyber Ireland National Conference website here: Cycubix promotes the development of the cyber security ecosystem, and Ireland as a leader in this sector. We are passionate about education, and therefore convinced training and awareness play a fundamental role in a successful cyber security strategy. As an (ISC)²
Who Do You Want on Your Cybersecurity Team?
Key Considerations for Building your Cybersecurity Team * Follow up to June’s article “Cybersecurity Education and Training (the devil’s in the detail)”. For the past month or two, I’d been thinking about writing a piece to help organisations when they are developing a cybersecurity team and facing the task- “We need to hire a security person!” It sounds like an easy fix - right? Not so, I’m afraid. So what does a “security person” do? I’ve been working for over 30 years in “security” and the best answer I can come up with
(ISC)² Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) – FAQ
Learn about the Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) certification Many cybersecurity professionals have questions about the Systems Security Certified Practitioner SSCP certification – what it is, why should I consider it, what is involved and lots more. If you are thinking about becoming SSCP certified and are interested in learning more about the process and requirements, the Systems Security Certified Practitioner SSCP - FAQ may give you the answers you need. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact us and we would be delighted to answer
FREE (ISC)2 Professional Development Institute (PDI) Courses
Further boost your CISSP / CCSP training with free access to 3 (ISC)² PDI courses Cycubix is exited to announce that when you register for our Official (ISC)² CISSP or CCSP public or private training seminars from now through to December 31, 2021, you will receive free access to three (ISC)² Professional Development Institute (PDI) courses. You will be able to select three courses from the list of Bonus (ISC)² PDI Courses - see list below. Each course complements the knowledge gained from the CISSP/CCSP training. CISSP Bonus PDI Courses CCSP
The Art & Science of Secure Software Development
Learn about Secure Software Development from CCSLPs around the world Software security requires a creative and disciplined approach and a vision to develop secure strategy, tactics and execution. Excelling in the discipline demands thinking through the entire software lifecycle and enforcing security as a first-thought process. The (ISC)² Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) is a comprehensive certification that addresses the spectrum of software lifecycle security. This eBook - developed by (ISC)² - will enable you learn from CSSLPs around the globe about how the CSSLP has helped them succeed in their endeavors
Systems Security Certified Practitioner – SSCP Domain Refresh FAQ
SSCP Domain Refresh FAQ Why are changes being made to the SSCP exam? (ISC)² has an obligation to its membership to maintain the relevancy of its credentials and follows a rigorous, methodical process to routinely update its credential exams. This SSCP Domain Refresh FAQ details the updates. These ensure that the examinations and subsequent continuing professional education requirements encompass the topic areas relevant to the roles and responsibilities of today's practicing information security practitioner. How is the SSCP exam changing? The content of the SSCP has been refreshed to reflect the most pertinent issues
Information Security – Dispelling the FUD
Why are small businesses reluctant to tackle the security question? Why do they continuously avoid all discussions about risk and security? I believe that it’s not because they’re irresponsible, or that they don’t care about their business. I’m of the firm opinion that it’s mainly due to the Information/Cyber Security industry itself. Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) have been used by many security professionals during conversations with their clients (and prospective clients) about risk. They’ve told their clients that their businesses are going to crash and fail; their sensitive data is going to
The Enterprise Guide to Establishing a Cybersecurity Program
A Cybersecurity program is universally essential, and employers need to continue to invest in their teams to ensure they develop the skills they need to support the business. Training should be structured but should also be tailored to the requirements of the organisation. Download this guide to learn more about the fundamentals of a training and education program and how they can be successfully applied across organisations and industries. Click on the image or HERE to view the The Enterprise Guide to Establishing a Cybersecurity Program
Cybersecurity Education and Training (the devil’s in the detail)
On three separate occasions this week I was given pause to consider the development of cybersecurity skills and the associated education and training we need to acquire them. To start with, on Saturday I read an excellent piece in the Irish Times by Fintan O’Toole called “No one is safe when half of us are digitally illiterate” (behind paywall). On the Monday of the following week I met a long-time security friend at a funeral. We discussed the abundance of training on offer, much of it being promoted by very well recognised